Monday, December 6, 2010

One week down...

I have officially survived my first week of bed rest. It still feels wrong to sit in bed or on the couch all day while life goes on around me. Justin has been amazing taking on the role of single parent. He has cooked, cleaned, washed clothes, played the role of my taxi driver and given extra attention to the boys. He also put up both trees and decorated for Christmas. He is going to be worn out before it is all over. I, on the other hand, will be well rested. :)

This week I learned that most day time TV sucks. I watch the Today Show and Ellen and then there is a small break before my stories start. I have re-kindled my love of The Young and the Restless. It is amazing how you can stop watching a soap opera and then pick back up like you didn't miss a thing.

I tried watching the TLC show, "A Baby Story" I have decided that the stories they highlight on that show do not happen to real people. The episode I watched last week showed a women in the hospital that was dilated to 5cm. She got her epidural and then went from 5-10cm in about 30 minutes. Really? That doesn't happen. Then, after three pushes the baby was out. I am sorry, but that isn't reality, that is fiction. So, I haven't watched the show since then.

I am officially 21 weeks today. I had my weekly ultrasound with Dr. G, the high risk OB, and he was happy with how things looked. Both boys were rather active making it difficult for the ultrasound technician to get the readings she needed. Their individual fluid levels were good. Baby B's fluid amount had increased so that was really good news.

I have another US and Fetal Echo next week. Per my friend's suggestion, I have decided to make a flip book of the ultrasound pictures. With Jackson and Evan, I maybe had 2-3 ultrasound pictures. The twins are way past that number.

In other news, my sister-in-law has taken it upon herself to organize meals for our family with her church group. I am just overwhelmed by all the help and offers we get from friends, family and people we have never met. She told me today that we have 7 meals coming for next week. We may have to invest in a new freezer before it is all said and done. I am truly thankful for all of this.

That is all I have for now. More news as it develops.

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