Thursday, December 30, 2010

Great News!

So, I have been very lazy when it comes to updating this blog. Since my last post, we have had several more visits to the doctor. At 22 weeks we had a fetal echo and an ultrasound done. The echo looked great and I don't have to have another until mid January. Originally, they said that I would need to get one every other week. At 23 weeks, we had another ultrasound. Baby A was measuring 1lb, 6oz and Baby B was 1lb, 4oz. They have consistently stayed 2 oz apart in size. The doctors have been very pleased with the progress after surgery.

Yesterday, I went in for my weekly ultrasound. The fluid levels have almost evened out and the blood flow is wonderful. The doctor came in and almost looked shocked that things have corrected as well as they have. He was so pleased that I don't have to have another ultrasound for 2 weeks. This is huge as I have been going weekly for ultrasounds. Hooray! Justin and I couldn't be more excited that everything is coming together and that both boys are doing so well.

Then came really good news....the doctor is allowing me to go and see Wicked tonight with the family. Woo Hoo!!! We bought these tickets long before we new anything about the twins having Twin to Twin Transfusion. Right after the surgery, we were told by the doctors in Cincinnati that I wouldn't be able to go at all. We were bummed but understood.

My OB is also allowing me to run small errands as long as I don't over do it. I feel like I have been set free. It is so nice. I never thought that I would be so excited to get out in the cold weather and go to the grocery for milk. It's the small things, right?

I will try to be better at updating things with the twins.

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