Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 25, 26 and 27 Updates

It has been almost three weeks since I posted. I am officially a blog slacker. LOL Here is a rundown of the last three weeks.

Week 25 brought my first week without a doctors appointment since before Thanksgiving. I had one scheduled, but the doctor was called away for a delivery. So, no OB visit for me. It was rather odd but I enjoyed the break. This week also brought wonderful news on the bed rest front. Since the twins are doing so well, I was allowed to return to work on a part-time basis. I never thought that I would be so excited to go to work, but it was exactly what I needed. I went back on Friday, January 7th for four hours.

Week 26 came with 3 doctor's appointments. I saw my OB for a normal visit including my first (of many) non-stress tests. Basically, I am hooked up to the fetal monitors and they chart the heart rates for about 30 minutes to make sure things are grooving right along. The next appointment was a visit with the Cardiologist for a fetal echo. Things looked great for both babies. Heart functions are good. So good, in fact, that I don't have to see them anymore. HOORAY!!! One less test and one less bill. Good news all around.

The final visit was with the high risk OB for an ultrasound. They did a growth and fluid measurement. The fluid levels for both babies have equaled out. This is AWESOME news! Prior to the surgery, Baby A had 12 cm of fluid and Baby B had 1 cm, thus the diagnosis of Twin to Twin. The OB was once again shocked that the procedure has worked so well. She even said that they normally don't get these good of results. As for growth, both babies are trending right along the normal growth path for a single baby pregnancy. Baby A is 2lbs, 2oz and Baby B is 1lb, 15oz. They are both thriving and we are so glad! Once again, my ultrasound was pushed to two weeks out instead of weekly. More good news!

That brings us to now, week 27. I had my OB visit today for the non-stress test and Rho-gam shot. Both went well.

Originally, we were told that if we made it to 32 two weeks, we would be lucky. Now, they are saying that we should be able to make it to at least 35 weeks, if not longer. This is great for the babies but scary for me. I can't imagine how big I will get before this is all said and done.

So, there is a chance that they could make their debut in the next 5-8 weeks. That being said, we have started to get things ready around the house. I have even gone as far as to buy a few things for them here and there. I was really hesitant to buy anything early on since we didn't know how things were going to turn out. Now, we feel pretty confident with the prognosis and have begun the "nesting" process.

That is pretty much the last three weeks in a nut shell. I will have another update next week after our ultrasound!

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